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Classical Lighting & Possing Technique

Wedding Portraits – Classical Lighting and Posing Techniques By David Ziser

In this video series, wedding photographer David Ziser goes over the standard poses and lighting setups for wedding portrait photography.

Introduction (03:09)
David goes over what he will cover and explains the basic full-face view

Two-Thirds View (06:20)
The general specs of the standard two-thirds setup and some pointers on what to avoid when taking this shot

Two-Thirds to Profile (02:59)
Correcting the two-thirds view and setting up the profile

Profile View (05:11)
How to set up the profile view and what not to do

Posing the Body (03:28)
David shares some of his tricks for posing the subject such as placing the front foot forward, hiding the hands behind the bouquet, and more

Butterfly Lighting Pattern (02:16)
The first of five classical lighting patterns for the face of the subject

Loop Lighting Pattern (02:17)
Moving the light around the subject to the far side of the nose to achieve this pattern

Rembrandt Lighting Pattern (01:59)
The nose shadow and the cheek shadow combine to form this pattern

Split Lighting Pattern (00:44)
Illuminating one half of the face

Rim Lighting Pattern (02:05)
An accent light that adds some extra light to an image

Review of the Lighting Patterns (02:00)
Using a video light, David recreates all of the lighting patterns he previously covered

Broad Lighting (01:40)
This is an extra technique that covers the face in a broad light pattern

Putting It Together (04:38)
Using the lighting patterns along with the profile views to create great photographs

Window Lighting (03:15)
When working with a window light source, remember to pose the subject to the light

Loop Lighting with Profile View (01:55)
Shooting a profile shot with the window lighting from a distance using a longer lens

Shooting the Groom (02:11)
Looking for the loop lighting pattern and moving the groom around for some different shots

Vantage Point (01:01)
Positioning at an elevated view to open up the location behind the bride and groom

Posing the Bride and Groom (04:30)
Going through the setup and pose of a standard bride and groom shot

Home Location (10:52)
Some ideas for photos taken at the home of the bride

The Groom (05:52)
Shooting the groom at the home location

Explore the Pose (03:33)
After a new setup, make sure to explore different variations within that setup

Using the Surroundings (05:21)
Looking for elements on the walls that can enhance the picture

Lines, Lines, Lines (05:30)
Posing the groom in well-defined positions

Hollywood Lighting Technique (04:11)
Creating a small cone of light to isolate one area of the subject

Light Settings (03:01)
Choosing the right light settings in order to pick up the colors of an interior shoot

Three-Quarter Portrait (03:19)
Shooting a three-quarter portrait in the bedroom

Moving Back Outside (02:39)
Moving the bride and groom to the back pool area of the house

Archways (04:56)
Using the archway of the architecture to frame the bride in the shot

Flash Outside (02:10)
Working with the ISO and Flash when shooting outside

Summary (03:46)
David shares some final thoughts about the setups that he covered in this series

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