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VideoTraining Canon EOS 5D

Take great pictures with your Canon 5D Mark II!  All you need is this training DVD and about 100 minutes, and you’ll have the knowledge and the confidence to create the images you want.  The topics are arranged in chapters, so you can move at your own pace, and return later to individual subjects.

Topics include:

* Creative Auto
* Shutter priority
* Aperture priority/Depth of field
* Depth of field preview
* Focus alternatives
* Metering
* White balance/Color temperature
* Playback and image review
* Live View shooting
* HD and SD video
* Exposure compensation
* Flash basics
* Custom functions introduction
* Programmable buttons
* Info button
* Composition
* Self timer
* Picture Styles
* And much more!

The Canon 5D is a powerful piece of equipment.  A solid understanding of its features and controls can really unleash its potential. Once you learn how the camera’s components work together, you’ll have all the tools you need to capture the best images under all conditions.

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